When are my continuing education hours due to UNT?
Continuing education hours are due to UNT based on your credentialing period. You
will use your highest DARS credential to determine your due date for continuing education
hours. Please refer to the Continuing Education page for a list of due dates.
What credential date do I use if I completed both the Directors requirement and the
Job Coach/Job Skills Trainer requirement?
If you completed both the Job Coach/Job Skills Trainer and the Director requirements,
your expiration date will be based on your Job Coach/Job Skills Trainer credential.
How many hours of continuing education must I earn?
You must earn 20 continuing education hours in your three year credentialing period.
Ten (10) of the contact hours must be from UNTWISE. Four (4) hours must be Ethics.
If I take a 3 hour substance abuse online class and want to repeat the same course,
will I be able to count all 6 contact hours toward my credential renewal?
To count a course that you repeat, it must be a version that is substantially updated
or taken in a different credential cycle. You will not be able to count the same version
of a course twice within a credential period.
How do I document my continuing education?
You will be responsible for keeping an accurate list of completed continuing education.
When submitting your application packet, you will be required to show proof of training
participation, training date, trainer credentials (for trainings not pre-approved),
location of the training, an agenda, and any other relevant training materials.
What fees are associated with submitting my continuing education hours?
- A $60.00 processing fee if submitted by your submission date.
- A $120.00 processing fee if submitted after expiration date.
- Your application will not be accepted for processing if it is 90 days after the expiration date.
What if I do not pay my processing fee?
Your application will not be processed until payment has been submitted.
May I be given additional time to complete my continuing education for a credentialing
No. Any provider who does not complete the required continuing education hours will
be removed from the DARS credentialing list, when the credentialing period expires.
What happens if I miss the expiration deadline for submitting my continuing education
Your name will be removed from the credentialing list until your application and payment
have been received and continuing education requirements have been confirmed.
When should I notify UNT of an address or email change?
You should notify UNTWISE immediately if there is a change in your contact information.