An Introduction to Professional Networking for Job Seekers with Disabilities

 Using simple auditory, written and guided practice exercises, the presenter will teach participants: 1) What networking is, and why people with disabilities must have a network filled with decision makers.2) How to identify personal strengths and potential contacts in fields that interest participants. 3) How to create and practice a confident, professional thirty-second pitch, that in turn, leads to informational interviews with said professionals. 

Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to

  1. Be prepared to guide customers in identifying strengths, and create an organized, results-oriented framework for building professional relationships with contacts in the field of their interests. 
  2. Be able to guide customers in how to create and practice a thirty-second pitch that, in turn, can be used to create a positive, professional first impression as well as informational interviews with said professionals. 

Presenter: Steve McEvoy

Steve McEvoy is a former NYC 7-12 general and special education social studies teacher with an MA in education from Teachers College Columbia University. He has a passion for teaching young adults with disabilities the necessary skills to succeed in the workplace in the face of discrimination they will encounter. 

Due to living with cerebral palsy and a determination to close the disability employment gap since 2012, Steve has been working as a Disability Employment Specialist. His work encompasses three areas: 

1) Teach companies how/why hiring and marketing to people with disabilities increases profits and brand presence. In 2016, Steve co-presented on the topic at Googles NYC headquarters. The presentation was simulcast to every Google office worldwide. 

2) Write about subjects related to disability and employment. 

3) Help people with and without disabilities reach their employment goals.  


Host Date: 
Steve McEvoy