Accessibility Resources

Resource Description/Link
Accessibility demos in Microsoft Office 2010

Accessible documents for Microsoft Office 2010

Accessibility demos in Microsoft Office 2010

This website is catalogue of videos pertaining to the creation of accessible documents for Microsoft Office 2010.

Adding alternative text to Microsoft Office documents

This website is a tutorial about how to add alternative text to Microsoft Office documents.

Appropriate Use of Alternative Text

This website is an article that explores the basics of using alternative text in digital documents.

Checking for Accessibility issues in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

This website has step-by-step instructions on how to check for accessibility problems in Microsoft 2010 documents.

Creating Accessible Documents

This website includes a number of learning tools about how to create accessible documents.

Deaf Network of Texas

The Deaf Network of Texas is the largest Deaf Community Resources & Newsletter in Texas & surrounding states.

Essential Components of Web Accessibility

This website outlines the essential attributes of a website accessible to those with disabilities.

Federal Social Media Accessibility Toolkit Hackpad

The Federal Social Media Accessibility Toolkit Hackpad is intended to help agencies evaluate the accessibility of their social media programs for persons with disabilities, identify areas that need improving, and share their own ideas and recommendations for helping ensuring our modernization programs are easily accessed by all who need them.

Microsoft Accessibility Tutorials

The following website provides accessibility tutorials for Microsoft products.

Microsoft Office accessibility guide by impairment

This website is guide that lists accessibility tips for Microsoft Office, arranged by the impairment to which they apply.

NADTC Launches New Website!

NADTC Launches New Website!


NCRTM Accessibility Resources

This page includes helpful resources from the NCRTM, federal agencies and leading accessibility experts.

Olympic Failure: A Case for Making the Web Accessible

A webpage that describes a ground-breaking web accessibility court case out of Sydney, Australia. Through the discussion of this case, the webpage provides helpful tips about accessibility laws and how to create accessible websites.

Online Accessability

UNT DAR Graduate Michelle Boyd Discusses Online Accessability in this video.

Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT)

The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) is a multi-faceted initiative promoting the employment, retention, and career advancement of people with disabilities through the development, adoption, and promotion of accessible technology.

Using The Save as Daisy Add-In for Microsoft Word 2010

Daisy files are audio substitutes for print material. This webpage is a tutorial that teaches how to save Microsoft Word 2010 documents as Daisy MXL files.