Feedback and Complaint/Appeals Policy

Feedback Policy

For individuals who have feedback regarding a course they have taken through UNT WISE, we strongly encourage you to complete the in-course Qualtrics survey, which is anonymous and only received by the Director of UNT WISE.

To provide feedback regarding all other UNT WISE business, you may complete our customer survey form. Please include your name and contact information if you would like a response.

Please email or call UNT WISE for any general questions or concerns: or 940-565-4000.

Complaint/Appeals Policy

For administrative or technical complaints, please contact our front desk at 940-565-4000 or complete our customer survey form.  If the issue is not resolved, please contact the Administrative Coordinator, Christa Lim, at: and 940-369-8027

For individuals who are taking a non-facilitated (self-paced) UNT WISE course, please contact our front desk at 940-565-4000 or complete our customer survey form

For individuals who are taking a facilitated UNT WISE course, please ensure that you have:

  • First attempted to resolve any issues with the instructor.
  • Should the complaint not be resolved at the instructor level, you may contact the Director of UNT WISE at: or 940-891-6769
  • If the Director is unable to resolve the complaint or appeal, it will move into the Complaint/Appeals process as described below.

Complain/Appeals Committee process:

  • A person should file their complaint as soon as possible but within 28 days of the alleged event. Should a person be appealing a course grade, the student should file within 14 calendar days after the end of the course. Only final course grades can be appealed. Individual assignment grades will not be reviewed, except as part of the complaint/appeals process related to a deficient final grade.
  • Students should attempt to resolve issues with the instructor first, then the Director. When complaints/appeals are unable to be resolved at a lower level, a complaint/appeals committee will be assigned. Under extraordinary circumstances, the Director may grant an extension of any time limits identified in this policy.
  • Complaint/Appeals form should be completed and submitted to the Director as soon as possible to begin the formation of the committee review process.
  • The Director will assign the Complaint/Appeals Committee members within 5 days of receipt of the Complaint/Appeals Form. The committee will be comprised of 3 members: one to represent the complainant, one to represent the subject of the complaint or UNT WISE, and one member designated as the Chair of the committee.
  • The committee gathers relevant information to the complaint/appeal, reviews all information, and provides a final recommendation to the Director within 14 days of receiving the Complaint/Appeals form.

The Director shares the recommendation with all parties and ensures recommendations are followed.